We all work diligently on the things we're passionate about. I believe that most of us want to have that "break," or to be "discovered." We all want the acknowledgement and compensation that comes as a reward for our talents. We see the success stories that come before us, and at least for me, they typically conjure a conflict of feelings. Their achievement inspires and encourages which causes me to believe, "I can do that too." However, at the very same time there is that nuisance thought in the back of my head that says, "well they are better than you. Or they just got lucky." And although I know it's not true when I hear that negative thought. And hopefully you believe it isn't true either. It still prompts us to pause and reflect. Then we begin to ask ourselves, "what do I need to do to accomplish what I've set before myself. I believe the answer is a simple one:
Put yourself in the path of the discoverer.
Nothing and no one is ever discovered unless it is located where the discoverers are searching. It's true that rare gems are stumbled upon seemingly by accident. But these instances are so special because they're...rare! Archaeologists search in specific areas looking for specific findings, hunters camp in specific areas looking for specific prey, and they people that will find you doing what you dream of doing have specific territory that they have scoped out to find you. You just have to find out where it is that you need to be there, and then be there all the time. And not only be there, but be ready.
I have discovered an awesome online community for musicians that makes this easy. It's www.broadjam.com. They offer both paid and free memberships. The memberships include the ability to peer review songs, and have your own songs reviewed. Enter contests with various rewards for winning. What I'm most excited about is their music licensing opportunities for film and television. Sure, tons of sites offer this. You can join a PRO and receive performance royalties...which you should. But Broad Jam offers something I haven't seen before. With their opportunities they guarantee the music supervisor/director will actually listen to your song! They'll even update you on the time and day that it is sampled! That's impressive if you ask me. They also offer free and $0.99 downloading options.
So if you're a musician seeking to broaden your network, hone your craft, and start making money for what you do then Broad Jam is definitely a great stage to showcase what you do!